Keep Food Fresher Longer with a Bosch Refrigerator

Posted by Avenue Appliance on 9th Sep 2015

Bosch Refrigerator and Fridges at Avenue Appliance in Edmonton

In Edmonton, even if we garden, we still have to buy a lot of our produce, which can be a pain because it has a short shelf life.

Have you ever heard of a fridge’s bottom drawer being referred to as “the rotter”? You know, the place where you put vegetables to rot before you throw them away.

For most refrigerators, that’s the perfect name for it, but with the high-end, high-quality appliances we sell, you’re going to just call it the crisper drawer.

Bosch fridges do more than just keep food cold. They use VitaFresh technology that maintains the best temperature and humidity levels automatically. You don’t need to figure out what the right settings are for your produce. That way, everything stays fresher longer, and that means fewer wasted food dollars, fewer trips to the grocery store, and never reaching your hand in to a squishy, rotten mess.

If you’re looking for an appliance upgrade or appliances for your new Edmonton home, Bosch refrigerators are packed with other features:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Modern lighting
  • Glass doors
  • Shelves for bottles
  • Egg bins
  • Door Open alarms
  • Adjustable shelves
  • Ice makers
  • Electronic controls

Ask our friendly customer service people to tell you more about these beautiful refrigerators when you come to visit our Edmonton Appliance store.