Completely Customize Your Kitchen with a Liebherr Integrated Refrigerator

Posted by Avenue Appliance on 15th Feb 2021

Completely Customize Your Kitchen with a Liebherr Integrated Refrigerator


Quality can be achieved in many different ways. Liebherr refrigeration establishes quality in their products by offering appliances that bring custom options to your kitchen. If you desire to outfit your kitchen with characteristics that are custom to your needs and personal style, Liebherr refrigeration can help you achieve your dream. Visit Avenue Appliance today to see more from this top of the line German brand.

Liebherr Makes Luxury Attainable

Busy chefs complete many tasks while in the kitchen. Appliances should lighten your workload, rather than add to your burden. Your refrigeration choice can complete your kitchen design, as well as make your life easier. Liebherr refrigeration options include thoughtful features and appeal aesthetically with fully integrated fridges that seamlessly blend into your home kitchen. Their fully customizable front door panels completely conceal your refrigerator for a sleek, modern look that brings class to your kitchen.

Fresh Features

Below are some of the internal Liebherr refrigeration features that can give your kitchen a custom feel and complete confidence that your ingredients are as fresh as possible:

  • NoFrost System
  • Three "Super" Settings
  • Glassline Shelving
  • Electronic Control
  • Duo Cooling
  • Automatic Ice Maker
  • And More!

Hi-Tech Preservation

Liebherr's No Frost function keeps cold air in constant movement. It recirculates so that periodical "thaw-outs" of the freezer needn't occur. No lingering ice means no stale, stinky environment.

Duo Cooling stops the transfer of air between the refrigeration and freezer space. Unwanted odours and moisture can contaminate the flavour and damage the texture of foods. This feature acts as a formidable barrier to preserve the ingredients you need to create gourmet meals.

Custom options should be efficient, useful, and comprehensive. Liebherr refrigeration has Super Cool, Super Frost, and Super Quiet features. Here is a quick summary of each feature:

  1. The Super Cool feature ensures freshly stored food is chilled quickly. It utilizes time and quality controls to save energy.
  2. Super Frost applies a similar method to newly stored freezer items. This ensures no vitamin leaching occurs.
  3. The Super Quiet system Liebherr refrigeration appliances utilize enables your appliance to operate quietly via a low-noise circuit and speed-controlled compressors.

Liebherr refrigeration options feature electronic controls. The controls give you easy access to the settings that keep foods fresh and flavorful. Any features that simplify tasks in busy kitchens are a welcome addition!

When it's time to entertain, ice makers are great to have. Liebherr uses a carbon filter to keep crescent-shaped ice cubes pure and accessible.

Glassline shelving keeps things light and airy. Its translucent, durable material allows light to shine through while providing sturdy support for food storage. Glassline shelves are dish-washer safe and scratch-resistant, keeping their maintenance needs low.

Custom Chef Appliances

Your kitchen should be a reflection of what works for you. For any chef who appreciates efficiency and a custom approach to make life delicious, Avenue Appliance is your ally! Visit us today and find out how amazing a custom Liebherr integrated refrigerator can look in your kitchen!